Today is a scheduled day of no running. We did however wake up, get a light breakfast, and then work out legs and abs. We started with Air Squats, then followed with lunges. I have been trying to keep my air squats as deep and explosive as possible. This has really helped with tackling hills on my runs. For our Ab workout, I did 100 sit-ups followed by oblique crunches and White Russians. Of course the beverage would have been a little more enjoyable on a morning like this… but does nothing to help my accomplish my goals. Later today we will be leaving to go camping at Lake Jordan State Park. We plan on doing some cross training while there by doing some swimming. Tomorrows run will be an easy 3 miler around the park. I am so looking forward to getting away and doing some much needed relaxing. I did get a new piece of equipment for an early birthday present I plan on doing a good test on. I just might have to do a full review on it. I’m sure by now your at the edge of your seat waiting to hear what this equipment is…. its a hammock!!!! With that I better get off here and help Kelly pack.