I’m sure some of you have been on the edge of your seats wondering where I’ve been and what I’ve been up to. The rest of you I’m sure are already following me online or know me in the real world so you’ve kept up with all the gooey details. Well I figured it was probably time that I get on here and give a little update. I miss getting on here and jotting down some thoughts and sharing my journey just as much as you all love reading this… a little too much? Ok, well let’s get to it.
So other than deciding to postpone my retirement from the Army to take another position I have also signed up for a couple events that will hopefully focus my training and keep me on track. I have also been working on continuing to clean up my diet and live a healthier life. So what events did I sign up for you ask…
The first is the Bike MS: Historic New Bern Ride 2018 which is being held in New Bern, NC on the 8th and 9th of September 2018. This is a fund-raising event where individuals and teams can raise money to support the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. My wife and I have joined a local Bike Shop team in New Bern, NC that we got linked up with during another cycling event. If you want to help us out with reaching our goal for the fund raiser I will leave some links for both mine and my wife’s fund raiser. We have family and friends that have been affected by MS and so this was important for us to get involved. The event has multiple distance courses for both days and we will be able to choose which ones we do. The courses go from 30, 50, 75, and 100 miles and me and Kelly have thought about attempting to do what’s called a double century…. Back to back 100 milers! Now I’m sure when reality hits us and the fact that this summer heat is kicking our butts and we don’t have the base endurance built and are probably not training like we should we will probably go for a shorter distance on the second day…. But who knows what will happen.
The other event I signed up for is the 2018 Army Ten Miler that is being held in Washington, D.C. on October 7th, 2018. This is one of those bucket list events I’ve had and figure since I’ve been in the Army for over 22 years now I better get it in before I retire. I really need to get back into running and I’m not going to use the new job, trying to keep up with the gym, cycling, and my woodworking as excuses… BUT. I don’t plan on setting any land speed records but I do want to make sure I am in good enough running shape that it will be a fun event for me. How many of you are planning on or have run that event? I’d love to hear your experience or know to keep an eye out for you.
I mentioned earlier that I have also been working on continuing to clean up my diet some more and work on total health. I previously read and recommended the “Wheat Belly” book by Dr. William Davis and also found another book of his that really went into even more detail about how what we eat effects our health so much. I just finished reading his book “Undoctored” and started to put some of the points he made in the book into every day practice. This book not only talks about the foods we eat but also, he goes into things like good sleep and total health. I will say that since I’ve cut out wheat and sugar out of my diet my blood sugar has been way more stable and my blood pressure has gone from pre-hypertension to that of a much younger and healthier man. I’ll leave links below to each of the books and recommend you read them for yourself.
I will try and do better about updating this a little more frequently and would also love for you to join the conversation. You can either comment here, use the contact me link on this site or look me up on your favorite social media site. Be careful which one you choose… you might get a little woodworking included in with the rest of my crazy life. “Its all about the Miles” has become more than just logging some miles running but more about our journey through life. I always liked the quote from Indiana Jones… “its not the years honey, it’s the mileage”. Hopefully I can share something here with you that will help you out with your journey and until next time… go get after your goals!